Expandable Hierarchical Link Menu

Example, thanks to Danny Goodman and his great book "JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook" (O'Reilly 2007)
and to the generous code use policy of O'Reilly. 

I have built a BUILDER to build this sort of menu.  HERE IS A LINK TO THE BUILDER.  At the bottom of the
Builder page is a link to everything you need.   All you need to do is alter the expandableMenu.js file with TextPad or
SimpleText (or Very Simple Text) (as explained at the bottom of the Builder page) and upload that new altered js file
with everything else in the unzipped zip file TO your own web site or a folder on your web site AND YOU HAVE YOUR
VERY OWN Expandable Hierarchical Link Menu, with all the text content and all the links your own.

WAIT! Admittedly there is a much easier way, thanks to Nathan Smith and his contribution to the jQuery Cookbook
published by O'Reilly (2010), there is a much easier system. You just need THIS ZIP FILE
and then look at the html file and follow the pattern to make your own Hierarchical Menu, an easy way.


NEW: Pure CSS, expandable, hierarchical menu system (NO javaScript involved). SEE:
THIS LINK (View the Source html and css code and just Copy and Paste it to it to your
pages, after modifying the menu items !)