DIRECTIONS FOR COMPARISON OF GROUPS' GRAPHS (with GRIDS): NOTE: *** This version works only on FireFox !!!! *** In the results blank, input x:y value pairs as follows: [[x1,y1],[x2,y2],[x3,y3], ... [xN,yN]] Example: [[0,0],[2,10],[3,50],[7,70],[8,90],[10,40]] NOTE THAT THIS IS A TOTALLY DIFFERENT WAY OF INPUTTING X & Y FROM THAT USED IN THE "COMPARISON OF GROUPS' GRAPHS" WITHOUT GRIDS. USE ONLY THE NUMBER OF GROUPS (RESULTS AND LABELS) AS YOU NEED (up to 15). (*NOTES*: It is best to have a X zero point, otherwise KNOW that the lowest x value is placed leftmost, as if it were zero. If you do not have a x=0 point, I recommend you make one with the same y-value as the first point you do have -- it will be clear to most that the x=0 point is not real, but just there to scale the x-axis appropriately. The graphs are set up for Y values to be within the range 0 to 100, so you should translate your results to that scale if the top y-value is, say, way less than 50. Good news: y plots perfectly, so no worry about whether there is a y=0 result.) Provide each groups' results (or group of results) with a label of your choice (preferably less than 15 characters). Using the same number of characters per label gives a visually pleasing display. (I use 01 for one, so it lines up with "11".) Using Labels with the same number of characters is esp. imp with this version that puts scale grids on top of the graphs. Click the "Click to generate web page showing Graphs" button. FINAL NOTE: THESE GRAPHS CAN BE SAVED, SIMPLY BY VIEWING THE HTML SOURCE, COPYING THAT INTO NOTEPAD/SIMPLETEXT AND SAVING IT AS WHATEVER.htm, AND PUTTING THAT htm file in the same folder as the stuff you can download from the "CLICK HERE TO GET THE WHOLE KIT IN ZIP" link above, in the yellow area. (These sets of multiple graphs may need to be produced here, unless you can see the pattern in the code and replicate that. BUT, once a set of graphs is made, it can be permanent and run from anywhere, even your desktop.)